Skin Care

Skin Care and Confidence Building

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“Beautiful people are not always good but good people are always beautiful.” – Imam Ali

My goal is to inspire young women across the world. No matter the race, ethnicity, gender, culture; every girl deserves to be treated the same. Every girl deserves to feel beautiful in her own way. I want to stop this feeling of fitting in and create a change for women.

I decided to start my website off with a simple skin care routine tutorial. I choose this becasue wtih good hygine and good health a girl will always feel confident. Also, keeping good care of your skin helps the skin from becoming greasy and oily which causes pimples and blemishes. Thoose are what girls feel the need to cover up with makeup in order to be pretty and this is the mindset I want to prevent.

Public Speaking in Class

Makeup to school vs. No makeup to school Pie Chart

A survey of ten teenage girls in high school shows that 90% of girls reported not feeling as confident as they would like. Even though these young girls are beautiful inside and out, they still feel the need for makeup. In fact, out of the 90% who aren't confident with them selves, 80% of them said they will not leave the house without putting makeup on.

The lack of awarness brought to the topic is sickening. Girls need to stop being taught that there is only one kind of beautiful; tall, skinny, blonde, and pretty. Alot of these habits are caused by social media and the portral of this perfect person.

Confidence Pie Chart


I choose to create a video for my final project about skin care!

Ignite Talk

Within my Ignite Talk, I focused on the importance of skin care. I also went into detail about the products that I current use during my daily morning and evening skin care routine.

Backstage Posts

A collection of my #edu106 reflections